An Awfully Big Adventure
I can’t begin to describe how strange it is being in my last ever term of university, working on what is potentially the last ever essay I’ll have to write (it’s definitely the hardest essay I’ve ever written that’s for …
I can’t begin to describe how strange it is being in my last ever term of university, working on what is potentially the last ever essay I’ll have to write (it’s definitely the hardest essay I’ve ever written that’s for …
So in six weeks I will have finished my degree. This has gone by so quickly, it’s ridiculously; if you think two years of sixth form go by quickly, three years of university will somehow still go quicker. But I’m …
Exam season is over, and lectures have started again. I only had two exams (a short recital and a written paper), which was quite lucky. I also had to submit a chapter of my dissertation, just so that my supervisor …
There’s no point trying to sugar-coat it: January is a terrible month for most people. The Christmas cheer has evaporated, it’s cold and dark, and there’s nothing to do but eat, sleep, revise, repeat. But when you walk out of …
The second term of second year is flying by. I have noticed a definite increase in workload and as two of my modules are practical as well as theoretical, it feels like double the amount of work. We have an …
My final term at University! Even as I write these words I don’t think I’ve fully comprehended the existential enormity of this situation. After spending much of the rest of my life knowing what is coming next, the end of …
I always get really excited about a new term starting. I imagine how I’ll be really on top of everything, starting from scratch, keeping up with all my readings and getting stuff done on time! Ok, so it doesn’t always …
After some frantic essay writing in January, it has been nice to get back into the steady routine of days spent in the library and weekly seminars. So far this term I am really enjoying my units; it is really …
As we approach the end of the first term of second year, it seems like an appropriate time to look back on how much has changed since last year. I’ve moved to Stokes Croft which is a bit further out …
There couldn’t have been a bigger contrast between the beginning of my second year and the beginning of my first year, as I had a bit of a rough time at the start of first year- I moved halls and …