Business As Usual
I always get really excited about a new term starting. I imagine how I’ll be really on top of everything, starting from scratch, keeping up with all my readings and getting stuff done on time! Ok, so it doesn’t always work out quite so romantically, but I’ve done pretty well so far. The tutors appear to be expecting more independent learning from us this term too, which I suppose is in preparation for our fast approaching dissertations. But on the other hand, I need to really keep prodding myself into making sure I know what needs to be done. Keeping on top of all the reading is difficult sometimes but thankfully I have my trusty whiteboard at home that I scribble my “to do” list all over.
I’ve also tried to be actively involved in more things this term. I figure that whilst I’m here at university, I’m in a prime position to be utilising every opportunity available. I recently joined the student-led Green Curriculum team who organise lectures and conferences on sustainable thinking, and means I’m surrounded by driven and like-minded people which keeps the motivation ticking. I’ve also begun volunteering at a local primary school helping teach the children about nature and how to be confident in the great outdoors, something I’m super passionate about. I’m also very close to completing my Bristol PLUS award which will recognise the volunteering and extra-curricular activities that I have been a part of whilst at university. I highly recommend all students looking into this award as it really shows initiative and a determination to apply yourself in numerous environments. It’s also just really nice to see on paper the things that you have managed to squeeze in between study, sort of like a mini pat-on-the-back to yourself for having achieved more than you thought was possible. All in all, I’m enjoying the content of this term very much, although as usual time is slipping away a little quicker than I would like. I’d better not blink or else it’ll be the summer exam period already!
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