Half way through!

First term has gone extremely quickly, and it is slightly terrifying to think I am now technically half way through my degree at Bristol! The first term of the year is always the longest, and by the last couple of weeks everyone can start to get quite tired. However Bristol always looks amazing in December and there have been plenty of distractions in the form of houses hosting Christmas drinks, nights at the pub and Christmas themed socials. As the term has progressed, it has also been rewarding to see how my Philosophy essays have improved as I learn from my tutors’ feedback, especially in Philosophy of Language, which has definitely started to click as I become more confident in engaging in debates within seminars.

This term I decided to apply for the graduate Teach First leadership development programme for after I have finished at Bristol. The application involved a number of stages, both online and through interviews and was extremely challenging, but I am delighted to have been offered a conditional place teaching primary level for after I have graduated. It is surreal to think that it is over a year and a half in the future, but knowing that the time will probably go very quickly! I am very much looking forward to starting the Philosophy for Children programme next term, which will give me a great insight into teaching at a primary school.

I am now very much looking forward to going home and having a couple of weeks off, although some of that will be taken up with starting revision and writing an essay. I know that as soon as I have been away for a week and enjoyed some home comforts, I will be excited about coming back to Bristol in January for the next term!

– Phoebe


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