Starting the second year
After a long (essentially four month) holiday, it is good to get back into the routine of university life and work.
Second year is when most students move out of all halls and live in a house. I’m living with three friends from my hall last year (Clifton Hill House), and they are all studying a form of Engineering, so they have far heavier timetables than me – useful, as I have the house to myself quite often, so I can do flute practice without disturbing them.
Since I’m doing a three year honours course, second year counts for 40% of my overall degree mark. Although it feels good to have a strong incentive to work hard (first year did not count towards my degree mark), I am feeling the pressure more. Hopefully I won’t put too much pressure on myself to get top grades that I end up overwhelmed by it all!
I am continuing to race and train with the cross country club when I can, and have some good friends at my local church too, so thankfully I don’t feel trapped in a ‘musical bubble’ the whole time. I look forward to more interesting lectures this term, and hope to continue to receive positive feedback from my assignments.
– Ben
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