My dissertation and thinking about next year
So third year is pretty much like I expected it to be. It’s nice to be back in Bristol, but this year is more stressful than the others. The dissertation panic hasn’t really set in yet, but that’s mainly because I arranged my taught modules last year so that I’m doing the majority this term and have more time for dissertation work after Christmas. This seems to work better for me mostly because the topic I picked allows it.
My dissertation topic is the use of human remains in archaeology, using the reburial of a Roman skeleton as a case study. The fieldwork is done before Christmas, so I can focus on the more desk based work later. The modules I’m doing this term are Human Bones from Archaeological Sites, Current Debates in Biological Anthropology, and the one compulsory module, Advanced Issues in Archaeology and Anthropology. In terms of picking modules, some of them are necessary and relate to my dissertation and what I want to do as a postgraduate, while others are just general interests, and I’ve found that opting for a balance of both is a good way to go about it.
Other than general work I’m in the process of figuring out what I’m doing next year. Ideally I want to do a research Master’s in Forensic Anthropology/Osteology, preferably staying in Bristol do it. If this is something people are considering after they come to Uni, I would recommend going to your tutor or someone in your department for advice, they’re very helpful if you need help or just someone to talk to about options!
– Khadija
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