End of Term Already!


I think a theme of these blogs is going to be my inability to work out where all the time has gone. I’ve written so many pieces of music, written an essay and had it back, performed in multiple concerts, given talks on music and socialism (separately and together!), and all in the space of two months. If I wasn’t so busy, and I didn’t have the opportunity for discussion and direct action through the student Marxist Society, I’d probably be even angrier about a certain high-profile election, so I suppose all the work is a good thing.


I’m gearing up for a workshop as part of my Acoustic Composition portfolio at the moment, which is exciting. I’ve been ‘commissioned’, as it were, to write a short trio for piano, violin, and clarinet, but on finishing the piece I wasn’t happy with it at all, so I’m racing to complete a new version before it gets sent to the performers.


I’ve got probably too much to do over the break. I have another essay to write, a piece of music to finish, a trombone quartet to start for a competition in January, and a load of applications for Masters courses! It will be lovely to see my family, though, and my partner’s grandparents, aunt and cousins are all visiting from South Africa over Christmas, which she is really looking forward to. Here’s hoping I make it past those January deadlines in one piece!



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