Getting into the rhythm again
Like in the previous years it has taken me a while to get into the rhythm of university again. There are so many things that have or want to be read. Exciting essays that make my heart beat faster and remind me of why I love my course, but also on other days make my head ache… So many societies that I still haven’t managed to try out (there are just too many). And every start of the term I have to remind myself that I can’t do everything. Living with this fear of missing out, but also managing my energy between my course, time for extracurricular responsibilities and caring for myself has been an important lesson for me. Whenever it gets too busy I try to include a quiet walk with my friends, some time to just have nap, or listen to music. This has been really important for me.
I personally, also really like going to the library. It creates a useful routine, and I find myself to be more disciplined than when I try to do work at home. Maybe this is because I don’t feel like I am the only one who has to write an essay. There are great talks in our department which I wish I would have gone to earlier. They are called BAAR talks and are informal afternoon talks where people from the department present their research. At the moment, I think I am discovering Social Anthropology as my particular field of interest. I am now looking into applying for postgraduate study, probably in Social Anthropology.
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