Exams, Flats and Skiing

Second term is now underway, and I am really enjoying being back in Bristol. Exam season was hard work and seemed to go on forever, as my exams were on the first and last possible days in the exam timetable! However it was good to have a sufficient amount of time to go over the term’s work and really feel prepared for them. This term’s units are already looking really exciting; ‘Death, Dying and Disease’, whilst sounding morbid, will hopefully give me a different perspective on life and the variety of ways it is viewed and valued. I am also doing two politics modules in which we will be exploring the role of international organisations, and the different approaches and attitudes towards development.
The beginning of this year was also time to organise somewhere to live for third year, and it is really exciting to have signed for a house in Clifton Village. I am already looking forward to living with the same six girls as this year, and being able to explore and get to know another beautiful area of Bristol, full of plenty of cafes, pubs and little shops. We are living in a smaller flat next year, however like this year, all of our friends are living only a couple of minutes’ walk away, so hopefully it will be just as sociable!
I am still working in a shop on Park Street on a Saturday, which provides a nice change of scene and that little bit of extra money which is helping me to pay for the university ski trip to France which I am going on in the first week of Easter.
There are lots of things to look forward to in the next few weeks, and I am hoping that this term will be just as busy, fun and interesting as the last one.

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