Returning After Easter
As the empty boxes of Easter eggs pile up at my home in St Albans, my thoughts begin to turn to assessment deadlines. Having made the most of my time off in Easter, I decided to return to Bristol in plenty of time to get on with work and planning for a short film a friend and I wish to make. I enjoyed being in Bristol without having timetabled lectures as I was able to welcome in the warm spring evenings with my friends. My flat mates and I will be staying in Bristol for a month or two over the summer break to make the most of the excellent events that take place in Bristol, including the Balloon Fiesta and the Harbour side Festival. I would also like to find work experience or a paid job in Bristol over summer to make the most of our rent. I’d also like to get an idea of what it would be like to live and work in Bristol full time as I have been considering staying in Bristol after I graduate next year. Bristol University has some of the highest numbers of students who stay on living in the city and, having lived here for two years myself, this is completely understandable.
In terms of the progress of my course, we are soon to complete the production of an animated short film. It has been an endurance test of sorts as using 3D models requires a lot of patience and precision. In spite of this, I have really enjoyed working on this project and it is something that I would like to do more of. Call me strange but I am very much looking forward to writing my last two essays for summer. I have chosen to write on topics that I am very interested in and am feeling optimistic about the research I will be undertaking. My next task is to begin writing!
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