Dissertation Pangs
Exam season is over, and lectures have started again. I only had two exams (a short recital and a written paper), which was quite lucky. I also had to submit a chapter of my dissertation, just so that my supervisor could check I was making progress with that – it’s got to be 10,000 words in all! I was chuffed to find out I got firsts in both of my exams!
I’ve decided I’m going to study at the Guildhall school next year for my masters. It feels good to have that finalised, so that I can now focus fully on my degree.
Other than reading for my new lecture course (Sacred Music in the 16th Century), practising for my summer recital and other upcoming concerts, I’ve been trying to do as much of my dissertation as I can. I enjoy it, once I ‘get in the zone’ and find something in my research I’m really interested in including in my final project. I also want to get most of it done within the next couple of weeks as we’ve got to present our findings to a panel of two lecturers. The presentation counts for 20% of this 40 credit union.
Time to press on! – This summer will be sweet.
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