Final Year Option Choices and Easter Plans

It is now the final week of the Easter term. I am very tired, and am looking forward to doing nothing for a few days, back in my comfy house back in Leicester with a big TV and an abundance of tasty food! I will also be working on the Social Staff for the Main orchestra of the National Children’s Orchestra Easter course for 10 days, which I am sure will be good fun.
In the meantime, life at University is starting to slow down. As well as my last 3 lectures for this term (and my last essay deadline of 2nd year), I have two tutorials this week. One will be with my Personal Tutor, who also happens to be my lecturer for the Music in Soviet Russia unit, to discuss my option choices for next year. In the Music department, the 3rd year of the degree course basically has no compulsory modules – though you have to do one history module and, I believe, one ‘extended’ (40 credit) unit. At the moment I am thinking of doing Extended Performance (40 credits), Extended Musicological project (i.e. a dissertation – 40 credits), From Notation to Performance (20 credits) and Sacred Music in the Sixteenth Century (20 credits). My other tutorial will be with my Schenkerian Analysis lecturer, where we will discuss the piece of music I intended to analyse for my final extended project. On Friday I am looking forward seeing Music Theatre Bristol’s (one of the many performing arts societies here) production of Into the Woods at the newly refurbished student’s union, before visiting a friend in Reading over the next. Mum is coming to get me on Monday!
Happy Easter!

Ben benjamin-carr-tb

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