Spring Time In Bristol

In the lead up to another few weeks away from Bristol during the Easter holidays, the end of my time as a first year student seems to be fast approaching- too fast. However, as the weather is improving, no matter how gradual, I feel the urge to get out and see the city I’m living in. Having learnt how quickly this past year has gone, my flat mate and I have vowed to sightsee around Bristol as much as we can for the last months as first year students. Last week we went for a walk around Stokes Croft where we found a great little park and bakery. I regret not having explored the area where I currently live sooner, as I won’t be living near here next year. Whilst trying to make the most of the lovely weather, I’ve also been busy with essay writing and practical filmmaking projects. I got the opportunity to work with a group of people on my course who I hadn’t previously worked with; we recreated a scene from a famous Alfred Hitchcock film, which was surprisingly hard to do! Although, extremely challenging, I had great fun working with new people and in a great location, Goldney Hall. This Saturday I am attending a masquerade ball for the residents of student houses which is run by the JCR (Junior Common Room committee), which means it is free! We’ll be enjoying a three course meal and a jazz band in the very stylish Wills Memorial Building. It’s always nice to do something special with fellow students where you can make an effort to dress up and enjoy the spoils of living in first year accommodation. It’ll also be a great way to celebrate before the wrath of deadlines and revising begins in the next few weeks!


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