Preparing for philosophy essays

After needing to re-adjust to the business of university life in the former half of term, the latter has been comparatively calm! Now acquainted with the workload, I have found it far easier to know how long each piece of work will take, and can consequently manage my time more proficiently. In this half of term I have also got a much clearer idea of exactly what is required to excel in philosophy essays – these are something of an art form, but further conversations with seminar tutors and revision lectures have given me a tangible foundation to build upon. Realism and Normativity and Philosophy of Language are my two philosophy units this term, and both require immense precision to dispel ambiguity and improve the quality of the argument being presented.

I have found Philosophy of Language to be the most interesting module I have taken. Because of the topic’s specificity, the lectures and seminars have been able to explore issues in more depth, which makes for more compelling discussions. Furthermore, the ubiquitous nature of language entails that the problems being tackled seem far more relatable than some of the more abstract ones studied in philosophy. More than once I have found myself having a conversation, whilst simultaneously thinking about how many metaphors both conversationalists are implicitly using. The challenge is the multi-tasking!

In other news, a few friends and I have started up a book-club. This entails reading a novel per week, and meeting on Monday evening to discuss. Having an excuse regularly to read literature gives me a welcome break from solely reading analytic philosophy. This provides me with some needed catharsis which I feel philosophy can sometimes lack.

With January exams looming, a revision-pervaded Christmas awaits. It’s probably not all bad though – if my bank balance is anything to go by, the free food and warmth of home can’t really come soon enough!

– Max


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