Looking forward
I’ve now finished my first term of 2nd year – meaning I’m basically half way through my degree! Since I’ve been home this Christmas, a lot of people have been asking me what ‘my plans are’ for after uni. In general, my answer has been that I’m not totally sure. However I think I’d like to stay in some form of education for a bit longer, so am now toying with the idea of doing an MA at a music college on the recorder – probably one of the ones in London like the Royal College, Trinity or Guildhall. Although postgrad courses at music colleges tend to be 2 years long (rather than the more usual 1 year courses at universities), I’d be focusing on the aspect of my music studies I have enjoyed the most so far – performance. Auditions for these courses are held in November time, so I have many months yet to prepare.
I have four weeks off this Christmas holidays. Aside from catching up with friends and family, eating too much and generally being festive, I plan to practise for my January recorder recital, finish some Further Technical Studies coursework and prepare for my Approaches to Music History written paper.
For about 5 days over New Year I am leading on a reunion of a Christian holiday camp which runs in the summer. I enjoy volunteering as a leader on this camp for many reasons, but one particular benefit is that I now have a DBS certificate, meaning I am able to do youth work; this has opened up many doors for similar types of (paid) work.
Happy Christmas!
– Ben
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