New Year, Same Old Workload



Luckily, I sat my last exam in the summer of last year, so I haven’t had the revision stresses of previous years. The music department at Bristol has wisely seen the light regarding exams, and prefers to do as much as they can through essays, presentations, portfolios and performances, which is good for me as I can’t stand the narrow focus revision requires.


In fact, having handed in most of my work from the end of last term, and with one Masters application already sent off, I’m in a good place to get stuck into writing some more music for my big submissions in May.


Having written this, I am reminded of some good advice I received from a friend in a higher year while I was settling in at Bristol. An important part of growing intellectually at university is putting yourself in the path of new challenges, such as detailed presentations, longer pieces of writing, and, yes, long exams. However, if you really aren’t an exam person, or you really aren’t a performance person, there are so many options within Music at Bristol that you will almost never have to see those dread silent rows, or the faces of a terrifyingly expert audience.



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