The New Year

As a Theatre and Performance Student, my course doesn’t involve written exams, for which I am endlessly grateful. Instead, I was overloaded with coursework over the Christmas break. It was fairly stressful balancing three large deadlines at once, including an Extended Essay, which is essentially a shorter dissertation. I found the task of writing 5,000 words challenging, as I have become used to writing 2,500 and 3,000 word essays. The push of those extra 2,000 words created a structure I am unused to.

I also had the pleasure of dealing with ethics forms for the first time at University. For my Extended Essay I interviewed several experts who helped me investigate my topic, and in order to do this had to fill in extensive ethics forms. Though I got them wrong several times before getting them right, the ethics team were incredibly helpful and were there every step of the way to fix my mistakes. It was such a relief to get the email through approving my ethics request.

The other two essays were shorter but they were due on the same day. In my three years at Bristol I’ve never experienced that! After far too many late nights in the ASS Library I finally handed them all in, and have had a few weeks off from deadlines. The results are fast approaching, and the three week break between hand in and result seems to carry far more weight in third year, as every essay counts for a significant proportion of my degree.


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