Exam Results, Open days, Essays

I am now around ¾ of the way into this term – the Easter holidays are fast approaching! Around 4 weeks ago I got the results back from my two January examinations (my 10 minute recorder recital and my Approaches to Music History I: Music and Politics written paper) – I was shocked, and relieved, to get Firsts for these! I got a mid 2.1 for Further Technical Studies portfolio, which I was also pleased with. I have learnt over the last two years at University that examination questions, and the process of revision, is far less prescriptive than I remember it being at A Level, where I faithfully ticked off the learning objectives on the syllable. The essays questions in my Approaches to Music History exam, for example, were very open ended, meaning I felt I could really talk about what I wanted, as long as my argument was convincing and justified. Similarly when talking to friends about their revision for the exam, they had revised a lot of different content to me (even within the same essay topic) – but we still got very good marks.

Over the last 3 weeks I have also led as a Student Ambassador on two Post-Offer School of Arts visit days for potential students and their parents. I always enjoying being given the opportunity to meet ‘non-students’ and honestly answer questions in a way which is helpful. Today I also handed in a 3000 word essay for my Music in Soviet Russia unit. I feel it was not the best essay I’ve done (several late nights and early morning have happened this week); I need to remember to plan well ahead for my next essay.

Kind regards

Ben benjamin-carr-tb

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