End of the first term

I’ve just finished my first term of my last year of university, and it feels very strange to be going home for Christmas already, the term has gone so quickly!

This term has been a very busy one – mainly with writing essays and other pieces of work. It got a bit harder work as the term went on as it gets so dark in the evenings, but I live close to the Arts and Social Sciences Library so have been spending a lot of time reading and writing my essays there; it’s a nice and quiet, studious atmosphere to work in. I’ve got another coursework deadline after Christmas as well as an exam, so the working will not stop over Christmas! To prepare for this I’ve made myself a work and revision timetable which allows time for festivities, time with friends and family as well as making plans for after I graduate.

I’ve also been spending time organising events for the Archaeology and Anthropology society – including a Christmas quiz evening with free wine and mince pies, which went very well and was an enjoyable event for everyone, and also helped to raise a bit of money for future events.

This end of term feels quite different being in my final year; it’s growing closer to the time when I’ll be leaving university and saying goodbye to Bristol, at least for a while. I’ve had some changes in what I’m thinking about doing after I graduate so I’m currently organising some work experience in a local school. I’m considering doing Teacher Training next year, as I think this is a realistic as well as exciting job prospect for me; I love working with children and I love learning – mixing the two together seems like my dream job! Although I’d still like to work in the heritage industry, which is what I’d originally planned to do, at some point, I feel like this term has made me think realistically about what I would like to do in the near future, as my time at Bristol University draws to a close.


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