The pace of this last term definitely picked up for me in the last couple of weeks. My assessment for Interpreting Plays is happening at the end of this week, and rehearsals for Choreography (for which the assessed show is …

Reflections on how term went, things happening at end of term, plans for the break. Read more »

Just over one month into the academic year and Studiospace has already hosted it’s first show: DAT. DAT (Directors, Actors, Technicians) is traditionally how Studiospace kicks off the year and the format is specifically aimed at getting first years involved …

Update on progress – how classes are going (specific highlights), social life, societies etc. Read more »

After an extremely restful summer, moving back into Bristol was a very busy time for me. This year I have started my role as a senior resident in university accommodation, meaning I live in halls and am tasked with welcoming …

Reflections on start of the new academic year – where you are living, settling back in to Bristol, targets for the year. Read more »

As I come to the mid-point of my degree, it feels like an appropriate moment to take some time to reflect on how far I’ve come and on what I’ve been doing since joining Bristol a year and a half …

December: Reflections on how term went, things happening at end of term, plans for the break Read more »